17 February 2009

What do you want for tea? I want crisps!

And cider.

Those cheeky scamps the Kaiser Chiefs may have penned an iconic line that captures the ennui of happy slapping, hoodie habitating Generation X-boxers, but the desire to 'do nothing' is nothing new. I've been doing it for years. I never cease to amaze myself at my ability to simply not be bothered.

I returned from work enthusiastic about dinner, and whilst undecided as to what to cook for myself, was keen to whip up an omelette for mrsslippy whilst I pondered the contents of the larder. Yes, I know that's not the pinnacle of cuisine, but she's on nights, and that's what she wanted. She left me lying on the sofa with Busta, watching Rick Stein search his family tree.

Dear reader, I must confess, I fell asleep, and during my 30 minute power nap, Stein had morphed into James May.

As my addled brain tried to understand what was going on, the only thing that was apparent to me, was that he was drinking cider, and that was clearly A VERY GOOD THING

Thoughts of lightly poached eggs with some crispy bacon over some toasted bagels with rocket went skyrocketing out the window.

I should have some cider.

And what would go best with it would be some crisps.

I was sure we had some cider somewhere - god knows we have everything else (except red wine, much to my chagrin on Sunday when we were forced to open a Rose - my badmin)

The larder contains booze of all varieties, and also the 'Bag of Bad', a lucky dip of general snackage. A quick rummage produced a bag of Salt 'n' Vinegar whilst I searched for elusive cider. Bonus! I found a pear cider -nice- but unfortunately my crisps did not even survive the opening of the bottle, so I grabbed another pack to take back into the living room with me.

My cider is lovely, but May is no longer drinking it. While I've been bumbling around in the kitchen, he's got his chemistry set out and appears to be distilling a magical clear substance.

Suddenly, I'm inspired again!

Captain Slow has made his own gin! And my god that looks good.... and what would go really well with one? Why peanuts of course!

I have some delicious chilli ones that mrsslippy got me for Valentines Day (along with some pork pies, Fudge Brownie Milkshake, and other such niceties)

So what do I want for tea? Crisps and peanuts, and if that seems too lazy and lacking in my '5-a-day', I am about to go and slice a lime. And who knows, it's Masterchef after that. I may be inspired again. I wonder if anyone will cook with Tequila? Because there's a bar of 'Green & Black's' dark chocolate staring me out that would go really well with it.......

It really is cool to do nothing.

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